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Search results shown in the Dashboard is based on the Filter that you have picked. As a default, only the Start Date / End Date is defaulted to current month-to-date. This means that the search results includes all Templates in all Workspaces for all Inspections in all Sites within the current Period.

Select items in each filter to narrow down your search result. Some filters allow you to select more than one item e.g. you can select more than one Template to be included in your search.

Dashboard Period

The Start and End Date selected is known as the “Period”. By default, the period is always defaulted to show current month-to-date. Select a different date range by clicking on the Start and End dates.


Any filters that you have selected can be saved as a Bookmark. The next time you want to load the same search parameters, select from the list of bookmarks you have saved.

Total Inspections

Completed inspections are inspections where the entire template is completed within the period selected. Essentially, a template that has reached the final “Thank You” page is considered a Completed inspection.

In Progress

Conversely, any inspections that has not reached the “Thank You” page is considered In Progress

The total of Completed and In Progress is the total number of inspections that have started in that period.

Failed Items and Actions
Total Failed

The total number of failed items of all inspections that have started in the period, regardless of whether the inspection is completed or not.

Total Actions

The total number of Actions that was created based on the number of inspections that have started in the period, regardless of whether the inspection is completed or not. Please note that you can have more Actions that total number of Failed Items because a failed item can have more than one Action.


The total number of Actions that are marked as Completed in the period selected.


The average turn around time it took to complete all the Actions in the period selected.

Overdue Actions

Total number of Actions where the due date has passed.

Not Assigned

Total number of Actions that are not assigned to any Correctors.

No Actions

Total number of Inspections where there is a failed item but no Action was created.

No Due Date

Total number of Actions that were created which did not have a due date.

Performance Chart

Open Actions

Total number of Actions that is not marked as “Completed” regardless of whether they have been assigned and including statuses like Not Me, Won’t Do, Can’t Do and None.

Closed Actions

Total number of Actions that are marked as “Completed”.

Total Failed Items

The total of Open Actions and Closed Actions.

Top 10

Top 10 Lowest Scoring Inspection

Inspections with the lowest compliance score in descending order.

Top 10 Frequently Failed Items

A criteria that repeated failed the most is descending order.

Top 10 Templates with the most Failed Items

This answers the question “Which template” has the most failed items. If the template the specific to a certain process e.g. Surgical Care Bundle or Kitchen audit, this will also indicate that these processes fails the most compared to other processes.

Top 10 Lowest Scoring Sites

This answers the question “which sites” have the lowest score compared to others.

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