Assign or reassign auditors in bulk
What if you want to switch some or all of your current auditors to different audit sites? You can do it one by one with this method in this article here but if you have many changes to make, Semmel has a better way.
Step 1: Download Template
- Go to Mobile Settings –> Upload Settings
- Click Download Template. All your current settings will be downloaded to a Microsoft Excel file.
Step 2: Assign and/or reassign auditors
- Open the Excel file and go to the Audit Site tab.
- In the Auditor Email column, enter the email addresses of the auditors that you want to assign to each of the audit site.
- Save the Excel file.
Step 3: Upload the Excel file
- Go to Mobile Settings –> Upload Settings
- Click Upload to upload your Excel file or drag and drop your Excel file to the upload dialog box.
- Click Upload. You will see a success message.
It is always advisable to download your template from your account. Do not use any old copy that you have saved before. There could be changes that you or others have made to your account setting. When you download the template from your account, you will always get the latest changes that have made to your account.
Tip: You can also update anything that is one the template like Quota, add Professions etc. Any changes you make in the Excel file will be updated once you upload it.