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Compliance Benchmark

In all your reports, you can set lines to represent compliance goals.

  1. Threshold Line: This line represents your institution’s minimum compliance rate. This line is in Red.
  2. Target Line: This line represents your institution’s target compliance rate. This line is in Green.
  3. Stretch Line: This line represents your institution’s stretch compliance rate goal. This line is Blue.

How to set benchmark lines?

  1. Go to Hand Hygiene Admin Portal.
  2. On the left Menu, click System Settings then click Benchmarking;
  3. Enter the Value for each line. You do not need to input the % symbol. Just input whole numbers.

Tip: enter the lowest value in the Threshold line and the highest value for the Stretch line and a value between Threshold and Stretch for the Target line.

How does each line affects charts?

The colour of column charts is determined by your Benchmark setting.

  • If a compliance rate is on or below the Threshold line, then the column chart is Red.
  • If a compliance rate is between Threshold and Target line, then the column is Amber.
  • If a compliance rate is between Target and Stretch line, then the column in Green.
  • And lastly, if a compliance rate is on or above the Stretch line, then the column chart is Blue.
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